Monday, December 7, 2009

Dumbest generation?

My generation is regarded as one of the dumbest generations ever because we can't say what the largest lake in America is or explain what a "Colored Entrance" sign is. This is based on that we don't hold onto info that is regarded a valuable. I find this to be completely wrong. My generation, while not retaining "important" info, does retain skills and info that is useful to a developing mind. These skills come from the constantly developing technology. All of the technology in today's society is said to be the cause of our stupidity because we don't need to flex our minds as much to find information, when it actually helps to improve our minds. The skills learned from technology help the mind to be more flexible and reactive to changes. Like in a video game, the environment is constantly changing and there are a lot of puzzles to solve. This helps to improve the mind to adjusting and changing environments and to solve puzzles. It is true thought that my generation is not as hard working and persevering as past generation and this is due to technology. Technology has completely changed the day to day life of almost every person. While allowing us to do more things at a quicker pace, it has also made us impatient and lazy. So even though my generation doesn't hold onto information that is thought to be important, we still learn skills that help our minds in day to day life.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why Americas are so Often Restless Q 2&5

2.) A society that is devoted to equal opportunity weakens each individual because it is much harder to stand out from the rest of the people. Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, "When men are more or less equal and are following the same path, it is very difficult for any of them to walk faster and get out beyond the uniform crown surrounding and hemming them in." This illustrates that since everyone is equal it is hard for any one person to stand out in the crowd. Like in a job interview, if you and four hundred other people are trying out for a job; it is extremely hard to stand out, and get picked, since everyone has an equal chance.

5.) Alexis de Tocqueville thinks that Americans are restless because they want what they can never get. He wrote, "Every instant they think they will catch it, and each time it slips through their fingers. They see it close enough to know its charms, but they do not get near enough to enjoy it, and they will be dead before they have fully relished its delights." This demonstrates that you get very close to what you want but never really achieve it. And that Americans will keep trying to get to it eve though they will never achieve it. Like if you are trying to win a championship and you are in the final round. In that final round you are so close that you can feel the happiness of winning, but you lose and never achieve that goal.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Passage Analyse

"He was on his way to dig someone out of a grave..." This passage is a foreshadowing of a future event. Charles Dickens use the word dig to signify that someone was found. The grave was the dungeon and fifth-floor room Mr. Manette is in. Later in the passage it reads, "Buried how long? Almost eighteen years." This is referring to how long Mr. Manette was "dead" until he was found. Next the passage reads, " You had abandoned all hope of being dug out? Long ago. You know that you are recalled to life? They tell me so." The first part of this statement means that Mr. Manette long ago gave up hope of being rescued, by anyone, from his imprisonment. The next part is saying that now he is found he is "resurrected." Later in the passage it states, "I hope you care to live? I can't say." This means that even though he was "resurrected" he doesn't really care that he is alive. "Shall i show you to her now? The answers to this question were various and contradictory. Sometimes the broken reply was, "Wait! It would kill me if I saw her too soon."Sometimes it was given in in a tender rain of tears, "Take me to her..." This part is how Mr. Manette would react to the opportunity of seeing his daughter. This passage, Dickens wrote, shows that how Mr. Manette would react is a mystery till it really happens. THis whole passage is one big foreshadowing of Mr. Manette's finding.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Why do we care what others think about us?

Is it difficult not to care about what others think of us because we want to look good and fit in. When we are near other people we want to be as beautiful as possible to make a good impression or to just have people accept you. We control this by changing our hair, clothes, your attitude, and, in some cases, changing our actual appearance. Most of these are done to fit in, or to conform to society.

When changing our attitude, we will change they way we act completely based on who we are around. Like when I am around my parents, I don't swear, much if at all, and I am polite. But with my friends I am very casual and have the mouth of sailor. This example is showing that around older people, like my parents, I act completely different then when I am around my friends.

Some people also change the way they look. They will change their hair and clothes to the "in" fashion so they fit in to the "in-crowd." Most people do this, while a select few just don't give a crap about it and will go place with bed head and wear what ever they want and not care what people think. Some adults will go to the extreme and they will go and have surgery to change their appearance to look younger.

All of these are changes you make to try and make other think better of you an accept you. Even after making these changes though, you can't be one hundred percent sure that every person will think better of you. Some people will find the way you look to be "uncool." In the end though it all comes down to what some people like and don't like. Everyone is different and you please them all.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Freedom or Survival?

To me Survival is more important then freedom. Survival is more important because even though you are free you can not survive. But with survival you live, but might not be free. The reason I chose survival is because I would rathe live then be free. To me no one in this world is free. Even in our country we are not free. If we were one hundred percent free we would be able to do what ever we want, without the interference of any person or persons. But in our country we are limited to what we can say or do by the laws enforced by our government. With survival almost no rules apply. In the wild if you need to kill to survive it does no matter if the animal is endangered, you can kill anything to survive. But with survival comes the fact that someone will come to power, most likely the strongest individual, to tell others what to do and how to live. But to me, survival is still better then freedom. Just in my opinion there can never be such a think as true freedom, because someone will always censor you or say that something is not allowed. I also chose survival because freedom is not as important as living. If survival means I have to follow what someone else says so be it. But looking at that, that is what our society is like today. I all to me survival is much more important then freedom.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Is war ever a good thing? Is there any cause for which you would go to war?

To me war is not a good thing. In my opinion it is a pointless way of settling differences. All was is, is sending people to die for a cause they might not believe in. But in some ways it can be good. WWII for example, if the Nazis were not taken out of power they would have killed all of the Jewish people and taken over most in not all of the world. In most cases thought war is just a very dumb way of settling problems between people who are too thick headed to sit down talk to each other. Now I would only go to war as a last choice. To me the easiest way to settle differences is to sit down and talk it over to end it before you send hundreds of people to fight agents someone to prove that you are right and they are wrong. A cause I would go to war for would be to save people, like in the case of the Jews, or to help a country that is being oppressed by a bigger country. Besides that I can't really find any other reason why i would need to go to war. There is almost always a diplomatic solution to every problem. And if it is one of those problems that does not have a diplomatic solution then I would try to stay out of it, and if that isn't possible then the only other choice it to go to war, well that or let your self be attacked and taken over. In all war is pointless if you can talk it over and settle the problem before hundreds die.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Euthanasia is a quick and painless way to "put someone or thing out of their misery." But how do you know if they want to die. they may want to live for as long as possible. To me euthanasia is almost always wrong to do. I think euthanasia is right only if the person is going to die no matter what, or if they are in a vegetative state. That is only for people thought. For pets and animals it really varies from animal to animal. To me if it is a cat or dog I find it that if the doctor can't find a single way to heal or cure the pet and it will die then to me it is okay. But to put an animal like a horse down because it can't walk well that is just wrong. They have no right to kill an animal just because the person feels that the animal is past it's usefulness. If it not going to die then it has a right to live. In the case of Lennie and George I think is was okay, because if George did not kill Lennie then Lennie would have been in a lot of pain and would have a very sad and painful death rather then a happy death. Basically my opinion changes with the situation because each one is entirely different from another and you can't just say that they are all the same. Yes they all involve someone dieing, but the reason the plug is being pulled is different every time. Sometimes it is right to pull the plug and other times it is wrong. It all just depends on the situation.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why do dreams fail?

There are many reasons why dreams fail. They fail because the dream is just to far fetched to work, the person who thought of the idea is too lazy to do something with it, or the person who thought of the dream is put down by others saying that it is a dumb dream and will never happen. Most dreams are too far fetched so they can't be done, like in 5th grade I thought of a robot that will do your homework, but later I went over it and figured that it was a bad idea because the programing behind it would be too complex so I just gave up on it. Also in 1st grade I had a dream to become a scientist, but just 6 years later I wanted to be a video game designer because it was told that it was a terrible dream to be a scientist so I gave up on it. In both of theses there was ether a person saying that it was a bad idea or that dream was too complex that it just won't work. But there is still that fact that the person is just too lazy to actually do something about it. Over all, dreams fail for many reasons but in the end it really is up to you if your dream comes true or is forgotten in the dark corners of your mind.

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Place Where We Blong

Why do we need a place where we belong? We need a place where we belong because it give us a feeling of being needed, a feeling of safety, and a place to relax and unwind. When we have a place where we feel like we are needed by others then we can develop and not stay inward. A place where we belong might also give us a sense of safety, because if the place is a house then that house will protect you from many things. This may be what everyone thinks of but it is not the only one. It could also help you develop socially because the place could be with others so you gain experience by just interacting. A place where you belong might also be a place to unwind and relax from the stresses of the day. By unwinding and releasing stress you can have an all around better health. All of these are feelings and types of places that might be considered a place where someone could belong.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Friends and Friendship

A friend is someone that is willing to do almost anything for you or be with you even in rough times. Friends are people who care for you and don't care about the things you own or what you wear, they care for who you really are and are willing to accept your differences between you two. There are many reasons we make friends. We make friends to help fit in, or just because we like the person. Now these are not the only reasons we make friends because there are many way why you makes friends. Having friends is very important to develop socially. If you don't have any friends you will be socially challenged because you won't know how to interact with people or have little experience interacting with others. It also helps to have friends to help you deal with problems and to share things about you and not keep everything to yourself. Because if you keep all of your emotions to yourself then some problems will develop that will harm you. Like if you are sad and don't express it, then it will build and you could get depressed witch will cause a lot of heath problems. In all you make friends to develop socially and to help you express your feeling to keep you in sound mind and body.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Romeo and Juliet Q's

Q:Was it wise of Friar Lawrence to give the potion to Juliet? Why or why not?
A:I think that it was a bad idea because it made Balthazar think Juliet is dead so he told Romeo and Romeo over reacted and killed himself. He did this because the Friar should have told Romeo the plan before he left because of his banishment.

Q:Was it right for Romeo and Juliet to kill themselves because of their love for each other? Why or why not?
A:No, because the saying that somethings are worth dieing for is not true. You need to enjoy life and not play around with it like it is a poker chip. There is plenty of time to be dead so don't go and kill your self because your sad, just remember no to stress on everything bad that happens. They both just needed to get over it and not kill them selves.

Q:Why does Juliet kill herself when she could be free?
A:She kills her self because she feels that if Romeo is dead that there is nothing worth living for, and that she think she can't live without them.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Act 1 Thoughts

Act one clearly lays hints to what will happen in the next few acts. I like that way he starts out the story by showing how much the two families hate each other. And that the anger between them is so great that even the slaves hate each other, even though they aren't related to the family in any way. But besides that the play is sorta boring. There is the occasional joke that is hard to see funny, but besides that it is boring. What really annoys me is the way that one line they talk like normal, well sorta, then the next they are talking in poetic lines that are full of puns and double meanings making what they are saying hard to follow. What I did like though is the development of the plot line. Like one minute Romeo is in love with Rosaline then the next he is in love with Juliet. To me though the whole story, to me, is not very interesting. It really feels like a romance novel, which I know it is in a way, and that is not what I like to read, so I am not all that interested in the story yet.