Friday, February 6, 2009

Act 1 Thoughts

Act one clearly lays hints to what will happen in the next few acts. I like that way he starts out the story by showing how much the two families hate each other. And that the anger between them is so great that even the slaves hate each other, even though they aren't related to the family in any way. But besides that the play is sorta boring. There is the occasional joke that is hard to see funny, but besides that it is boring. What really annoys me is the way that one line they talk like normal, well sorta, then the next they are talking in poetic lines that are full of puns and double meanings making what they are saying hard to follow. What I did like though is the development of the plot line. Like one minute Romeo is in love with Rosaline then the next he is in love with Juliet. To me though the whole story, to me, is not very interesting. It really feels like a romance novel, which I know it is in a way, and that is not what I like to read, so I am not all that interested in the story yet.

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