Friday, March 20, 2009

A Place Where We Blong

Why do we need a place where we belong? We need a place where we belong because it give us a feeling of being needed, a feeling of safety, and a place to relax and unwind. When we have a place where we feel like we are needed by others then we can develop and not stay inward. A place where we belong might also give us a sense of safety, because if the place is a house then that house will protect you from many things. This may be what everyone thinks of but it is not the only one. It could also help you develop socially because the place could be with others so you gain experience by just interacting. A place where you belong might also be a place to unwind and relax from the stresses of the day. By unwinding and releasing stress you can have an all around better health. All of these are feelings and types of places that might be considered a place where someone could belong.

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