Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ibo people response to the white people

This all starts when the first white man came to a village on an "iron horse." When the man came the villagers consulted the oracle to see what they should do. The oracle told them to stop the white man because more would come if he is not stopped. So a little bit later the villager kill the white man. After killing the man a force came in a destroyed the village. Later the white men started to move from village to village. They eventually get to the village that Okonkwo lives in and starts to command the people to follow their belief. When the white people want to build a church they tell them to build it in the evil forest. When the finish the church the white people start to convert the exiled and take in twins left to die in the in the forest. After a bit of time the white people kill a python, which resembles the earth god, so the Ibo people get very angry. They evnetualy get revenge by chasing away and beating the white people that come into the village to get water and other materieles for easter. Then everything starts to go wrong once Mr. Brown leaves from a sickness. When the new preist comes in he says that the people need to eather believe or just go away. On man that converted named Enoch unmaskes a spirit during a cermony. Killing the spirit he commited the highest offence. The christian fear for his life and hide him from the Ibo. During the time he is being hidden the Ibo burn down Enoch's house and the church. All in all the Ibo hate the British for the most part because they did bring trading post and rare items. On the other hand the British think of the Ibo people as animals. They think they are savage, crazy, and primitave.From this view the Birtish treat the Ibo people like dirt. Kicking them around and making them do what ever they want.

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