Chapters 17 and 18 start with Bruno overhearing mother and father talking about going back to Berlin. And they both decide that the kids and mother should go back to Berlin and the father must stay because of the camp. Also in these chapters it tells that Bruno doesn't really care if they go back or not. It also says that Samuel's father is missing and he doesn't know where he is. So both boys decide to go and look for him on Samuel's side of the fence.
Chapter 19 and 20 is starts with Bruno changing into the stripes pajamas and going into the camp. When they turn up with no clues to find Samuel's father Bruno decides to go back to the house when they are both sent on a march, which no one returns back from. They are both walked up some starirs woth other people into a dark room. Then Samuel apologize to Bruno but bruno doesn't her it amont the noise. When chaos broke out. and then silence. But among it BRuno never let go of Samuel's hand even after death. Then in chapter 20 it is just about how no on know where Bruno when to. Until father goes to where they find Bruno's clothing and realize that he could get under the fence and then connects the dots to find out that he probally was killed in the camp. I have to say thought that this ending is just weard and creepy. But also very sad.
Are you dyslexic? if so, IT SHOWS.
You should really edit this.
Stop being mean
you should fix it not to be mean
aka the feels tho cri
its not Samuel its Shmuel
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