Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ch15 & 16 Response

These chapters are violent for what they are about. It starts out with telling you about the fighting and killings he and his comrades did from ch. 14 to ch. 15. After it finishes talking about the fighting it tells you about some men dressed in jeans and shirts with UNICEF on them. He says that he sees the men talking to his leader and shaking hands with him. After they come out the lieutenant said "when I point at you, fall out and form a line by the private." Them the lieutenant goes down the line pointing to a few people including Ishmael. Ishmael says that he feels confused and doesn't know what is happening. Then he and the others selected are taken off far away to a camp for them ti recover and from the drugs and fighting. At the first camp they cause a lot of havoc. SO they are sent to another camp where even though they cause trouble the adults just say it's their fault and move on. The fact of doing this makes the boys even angrier and makes them do meaner and meaner things. While going through all of this they are going through withdrawal. All of this put together is just like a living hell for all of them. When i started reading these chapters i thought it would be boring. But by the end i was proven way wrong. These chapters are very violent.

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